I parked at the east end of Reynolds Bridge and walk back across, crossing the Naugatuck. After a bit of road walk the trail gets a bit indistinct and then crosses Branch brook. This involved a calf deep wade across the brook. Wet boots to start!
Shortly after crossing under RT 8 the junction with the Branch trail comes up. It is an old trolley line that follows the brook over to RT 6 and Black Rock SP.
I had to wander around the park a bit to find the Mattatuck trail again. Eventually I did just before it began the climb up to Black Rock. The view point has great views to the east out over the park and its ponds.
I continued along the ridge until I reached Norfield Rd where I turned around. On the way back I took the 'red' trail around Black Rock and back to the Mattatuck Trail.
On the way back through the park I found this nice stretch of Weeser trail (ie flat, level, and covered with pine needles).
The trail crossed RT 6 and then began a steep climb to a ridge. There were some nice views so I had lunch here.
At the end of the ridge the trail dropped down to an old woods road and then climbed up to another view and the junction with the Jericho trail which we hiked last year. Just after leaving the the view the trail goes through the Leatherman's cave. Nice little talus cave system. Obviously a favorite local party spot as well.
The trail then drops back down to Branch brook to complete the loop. Near the bottom I was a lot of damage caused by off road vehicles. Some of the mud bogs were really impressive. Fortunately no one was out riding today.
The trail rejoined the Branch trail and then went back under RT 8 and I recrossed the brook with the same results (wet boots to finish as well).
Except for the ATV damage this is a really nice area.